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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-21

China’s Foreign Ministry has neither confirmed nor denied claims of a missile deployment in the South China Sea. But a ministry statement asserts that any deployment of missiles on China’s own territory would be legitimate.

That is the response to Western reports that an advanced surface-to-air missile system has been deployed to one of the disputed islands. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has also addressed the question during a press conference with his Australian counterpart Julie Bishop.


“I hope that media everywhere will turn their attention to the lighthouses that we have built on some of the islands in the South China Sea. They are in operation now, and they have been very useful in ensuring the safety of the passing ships in those waters,” Wang said.

“The meteorological forecast facilities and other facilities that will provide assistance and rescue and emergency response to the fishing boats in those waters. Because I think all of those are actions China, as the biggest state in the South China Sea, has undertaken to provide more public goods and services to the international community and play its positive role there.

“As for the limited and necessary self-defence facilities that China has built on the islands and reefs stationed by Chinese personnel, this is consistent with the self-preservation and self-protection that China is entitled to under international law. So there should be no question about that.”

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